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  • Week 3: Seek

    Search for What’s New

    Deadline Notice

    Review and begin working on the Student Account Specialist Conversation due in an upcoming week.

    • Review

      • Read Chapter 7 in Success as an Online Student to prepare for this week’s activities.
      • Read Conflict, Sinners, and Saints in Uncommon Gratitude to prepare for this week’s activities.
      • Review Apps and Resources for Learning (opens in new window) to prepare for this week’s activities.
      • Review the tutorials to prepare for this week’s activities.
      • Schedule a conversation with a Student Account Specialist.
    • Page icon
    • Page icon

    • Respond by Thursday. Discuss through Saturday.

    • Forum icon

    • Due Friday

    • Due Week 4, Monday, 8 AM (Pacific Time)

    • Assignment icon
    • Assignment icon

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