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Introduction to Composition

engl 101

What's In It For You?
  • You will be able to evaluate prior writing process practices for efficiency and effectiveness and develop a writing process that will assist you with university-level writing. 
  • You will be able to critique writing approaches based on the type and purpose of the audience.
  • You will be able to develop your own “academic voice.”
  • You will be able to improve your concept of thesis and topic sentences and discuss the importance of these two elements in your own writing.
  • You will be able to evaluate a writing prompt for the writing situation and response expectations.

Course Overview and Success tips

ENGL 101 is built with you in mind! Having a growth mindset is one of the best ways to set yourself up for success.  Focus on the effort you are putting into this week and the entire course.  Take your time to go through each of the sections.  As you engage with the content periodically pause and ask yourself how you will apply what you are learning to your writing.  

  • Week 3

    Determining Audience and Occasion

    Audience and occasion have been an important piece of the writing puzzle for over 2000 years, when Aristotle used it in his speeches on rhetoric and persuasion. Determining who it is you are writing for, and for what reason, will focus your writing and approach for the better.

    • Deadline Notice

    • Review

      Review these resources to prepare for this week’s assignments and discussions.

      • Download and review Academic Audience (opens in a new window)
      • Identifying Audiences (opens in a new window)
      • Audience (opens in a new window)
        • Only read and engage with the information on this page. You do not need to click "Next".
      • Friending, Ancient or Otherwise (opens in a new window)
        • As you read, look for the following:
          • What “points for comparison” does the author use?
          • How does the author go beyond the obvious similarities and differences to surface interesting ideas and insights?
      • Evaluating Illustrative Paragraphs [Original Media]
      • Watch What Aristotle and Joshua Bell Can Teach Us About Persuasion [00:04:40]

    • Respond by Thursday. Discuss through Saturday.

    • Forum icon
    • Forum icon

    • Due Monday, Week 4, 8 AM (Pacific Time)

    • Lab or Assessment icon
    • Assignment icon

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