Course Portal Upgrade
Turnitin & APU Library Maintenance
Course Portal Upgrade
Throughout the year, this Course Portal (where you access your online courses) undergoes either maintenance updates or an upgrade that requires the portal be taken offline for a period of time. On Thursday, December 28 from 12:30 a.m. through 6:30 a.m. Pacific Time a major upgrade will require the portal to be offline.
This means you will be unable to log into the course portal between those hours. If you are continuing to access the course portal after the term has ended, it is recommended that you plan ahead to complete any required assignments with upcoming deadlines in that time period before then or make other arrangements with your professor.
Once the Course Portal is up and running again on December 28 at 6:30 a.m. Pacific Time, please be sure to empty your web browser's cache so that you do not experience any access issues as a result of the upgrade. If you are unfamiliar with doing that, please contact our 24/7 Technical Support partner, whose contact information is found as a public link on the front page of the Course Portal.
Turnitin Maintenance
We would like to inform you that Turnitin has scheduled a maintenance period, Wednesday, December 27, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. During this time Turnitin services will be unavailable. If you are continuing to access the Course Portal after the term has ended, please submit any Turnitin assignments before or after this maintenance period.
Please note that this maintenance only affects Turnitin assignments. There will be no impact on any other assignments or activities in your courses.
If you experience any difficulty with Turnitin assignments after the maintenance period has concluded, please be sure to empty your web browser's cache. If you are unfamiliar with how to do that, please contact our 24/7 Technical Support partner, whose contact information is found as a public link on the front page of the course portal.
APU Library Maintenance
We would like to inform you that the APU Library has a scheduled maintenance period, Friday, December 29, 5:00 p.m.–Saturday, December 30, 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time. During that time, catalog and database access will be limited or unavailable.
Please note that this maintenance only affects library access. There will be no impact on any assignments or activities in your courses.
As an alternative, you can use Google Scholar to complete research during the downtime.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these upgrade and maintenance periods.
UC Course Administrator
Our mailing address is:
Azusa Pacific's University College
300 N. Lone Hill #200
San Dimas, CA 91773