Online & In Touch: Summer 2013 Student Newsletter

Online & In Touch: Summer 2013 Student Newsletter

by Josh Hibbard -
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Greetings, APOU students! I am pleased to share with you the 2013 summer edition of our student newsletter, Online & In Touch. Inside the newsletter, you'll find...

  • APOU’s 2012 Annual Report
  • Important financial aid information on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Information about the free services available at
  • An invitation to participate in APOU's free, open course, Career 101
  • A video featuring students sharing their experiences at APOU

Online & In Touch: Summer 2013 Student Newsletter

We've had a great start to the Summer II session getting to know new students and reconnecting with returners. We are here to support you. Keep up the hard work. You can do this!

Josh Hibbard, PhD

Director, Center for Student Success


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