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Week 1: Momentum Discussion 1 | Learning for Success


Review this week’s resources in preparation for the discussion.


Describe a positive learning experience from your life (i.e., previous college, work training, church lesson, etc.)

  • How did that learning impact you?
  • What are your hopes, opportunities, challenges, or fears in relation to this new learning endeavor at LAPU?


Post a minimum of two substantive responses to your colleagues. Responses should demonstrate active participation in academic discourse about texts and/or resources, connect relevant experience and academic knowledge, and communicate meaning with clarity and fluency. Responses could include suggestions for further resources, questions of clarification, or providing context and insight. Avoid simple posts of agreement; if you agree, explain why, and then thoughtfully further the conversation.

Discussion Requirements

Week 2: Goals Discussion 2 | Learning with Uncommon Gratitude



Review this week’s readings, activities, and presentations, and reflect on your own life experience to address the following questions:

  • Describe at least two (2) main ideas from Uncommon Gratitude that you have found helpful or that impacted your perspective and/or practice of faith and learning.
  • What questions were raised for you from Uncommon Gratitude this week?
  • How will you pursue answers?


Post a minimum of two substantive responses to your colleagues. Responses should demonstrate active participation in academic discourse about texts and/or resources, connect relevant experience and academic knowledge, and communicate meaning with clarity and fluency. Responses could include suggestions ...

Week 3: Seek Discussion 3 | Library Scavenger Hunt


Review this week’s readings, activities, and presentations, and reflect on your own life experience to address the following questions.


  • Choose a topic that is relevant to your academic and/or career interests. This will be the topic for your PASSport Annotated Bibliography (final version due Week 8).
  • Search the APU Library databases for resources related to your topic.
  • Find and cite a full-text article, ebook, or other electronic resources from the APU Library database. APA style citations can be difficult to format correctly in the discussion forum, however, make a good-faith attempt at formatting your citation in APA style.
  • Describe your research process and strategy:
    • What was challenging about navigating the library?
    • Where do you need further guidance?
    • How can you discern whether the resource is “academic” enough for a college research paper?



Week 4: Discover Discussion 4 | Strengths


Review this week’s readings, activities, and presentations, and reflect on your own life experience to address the following questions.


  • What are your top five strengths, according to the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment?
  • How have you seen these strengths at work in your life in the past? How do you see them at work in your life now? Share specific examples.


Post a minimum of two substantive responses to your colleagues. Responses should demonstrate active participation in academic discourse about texts and/or resources, connect relevant experience and academic knowledge, and communicate meaning with clarity and fluency. Responses could include suggestions for further resources, questions of clarification, or providing context and insight. Avoid simple posts of agreement; if you agree, explain why, and then thoughtfully further the conversation.

Assignment Requirements

  • Initial ...
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Post general questions related to course content, activities, assignments, and details here.  Message me directly for questions related to personal progress or grading.

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Take a moment to briefly introduce yourself, including where you are in your academic journey, what your goals are and a little about your background. Then check out your peers' posts to learn more about them.

  • When posting your initial response to the prompt create a new topic by selecting "Add a new discussion topic"

  • When responding to the post of one of your peers hit "Reply" on their post


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